
Every­thing You Need to Know About Wis­dom Teeth: Symp­toms, Removal, and Recovery

Wis­dom teeth are still a bit of a mys­tery. While some peo­ple will have their wis­dom teeth emerge with­out a prob­lem, oth­ers will face pain and dis­com­fort that has noth­ing to do with how well you care for your teeth.

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars found at the back of the mouth. They are usually the last teeth to emerge, but most people don’t have the space in their mouth for them. This means they can become impacted, which happens when the wisdom teeth emerge against your existing teeth, or don’t emerge completely.

If you’re having problems with your wisdom teeth, this can be incredibly uncomfortable, leading to pain and discomfort in your mouth and jaw. A partially emerged tooth can remain stuck under the gum, creating a pocket where bacteria can thrive. The only option when you have impacted wisdom teeth is to have them removed.

In this guide, we’re exploring the symptoms you need to be aware of, how the wisdom teeth are removed, and how long you can expect to be in recovery.

Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth emerging can be uncomfortable, even if you have the space in your mouth to accommodate them. If there is no space, then you’re likely going to face ongoing issues with your wisdom teeth until you take steps to address the problem.

You might experience a dull ache in the jaw joint. You might also have tender gums at the back of your mouth. If the teeth are partially emerged, this could lead to bacteria build up, which will leave a bad taste and smell in your mouth. Your impacted wisdom teeth might cause your gums to bleed when you brush your teeth.

A trip to the dentist is the only way to confirm if you have normal or impacted wisdom teeth. Your dentist will inspect your mouth and gums and then take X-rays of your jaw to determine the position of your wisdom teeth.

If they are impacted, they will refer you for a removal procedure. Depending on the complexity of your case, this could either be carried out in the dental practice as a routine removal, or it could be a surgical procedure that will need to be completed at the hospital.

What to expect during wisdom teeth removal

You will be completely numb throughout the wisdom teeth removal process, so you won’t experience any discomfort. Your wisdom teeth removal will be like any other tooth removal, except that you will need between one and four teeth removed, which could take longer.

If you have a partially emerged tooth, your dentist may need to make a small incision in your gum to expose the tooth in order to remove it. Again, you will be numbed throughout the procedure, so you won’t feel a thing.

What is wisdom tooth recovery like?

You will need to take special care of your oral health while you recover from wisdom tooth removal. You will have between one and four sockets that need to heal, and this will require some special care.

Switch to a diet for soft food until you feel comfortable eating firmer foods again. You can also avoid very hot and very cold food during this time. We recommend food like mashed potato, scrambled egg and yoghurt to help give your jaw a break while you recover.

You might have some swelling and discomfort for around 24 to 48 hours after your wisdom teeth removal. You should be able to manage this with over the counter pain medication. You can also use a cold compress on your cheek to make yourself more comfortable.

It usually takes around one to two weeks to fully recover from wisdom teeth removal. Once your jaw is fully healed, you should no longer have any discomfort related to your wisdom teeth, which can be a huge source of relief.

Final thoughts on wisdom teeth removal

If you’re troubled by your wisdom teeth, it’s a good idea to get them checked out by your dentist. Removal is a quick and easy procedure that will deliver relief from the pain and discomfort of impacted wisdom teeth. Get in touch today to learn more about this treatment.

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The Implant and Cosmetic Smiles Clinic

27 Bed­ford Square,
Houghton Reg­is,

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