Gen­er­al Dentistry

Look­ing for a new gen­er­al den­tist in Bed­ford­shire? We can help take care of your oral health, with rou­tine check­ups, fill­ings, crowns and oth­er restora­tive treat­ments. With the sup­port of a gen­er­al den­tist, you can pro­tect your teeth and avoid the need for more exten­sive treatment.

New Patient Exam­i­na­tions are just £35.00

Rou­tine Examinations

Rou­tine Examinations

A rou­tine check­up is your first line of defence against rou­tine den­tal issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

Fill­ings and extractions

When some­thing goes wrong, we can help put things right with rou­tine fill­ings to pro­tect your teeth or essen­tial extractions.

Restora­tive care

Restore gaps in your smile with bridges or restore indi­vid­ual teeth with cus­tom inlays and onlays.

Root canal therapy

We can han­dle all stages of root canal treat­ment under one roof, so no need for a refer­ral to an unknown dentist.

We’re here to help you make the most of your time at the den­tist. Our gen­er­al den­tistry team can assist you in main­tain­ing your oral health and putting things right when they go wrong. We can help the whole fam­i­ly to take care of their teeth with rou­tine check­ups and gen­er­al care.

Prevention is always better than restoration when it comes to dentistry, which is why we recommend visiting the dentist every 6 months to ensure we can monitor potential problems. Dental issues can escalate quickly, so it’s vital that you commit to regular checkups to avoid further damage. Scheduling regular dental checkups will also enable you to ask questions about your oral health and any dental treatments you might be considering.

When there is an issue with your oral health, our general dentistry team can act quickly to help put things right. From hygienist cleanings to help address gum disease, to fillings to help stop decay in its tracks, we can provide a united front against common oral health problems. Routine dentistry also includes treatments like bridges, inlays, onlays, root canals and fillings. We also provide oral cancer screening as part of every routine checkup.

Con­tact the clinic

Why choose us?

We can pro­vide an exten­sive range of treat­ment, all under one roof. Trust our gen­er­al den­tistry team in War­wick to pro­vide expert care when you need it the most. There are just some of the ben­e­fits of choos­ing The Implants And Cos­met­ic Smiles Clin­ic for your rou­tine care.

Expert care

We have a diverse team of den­tists and den­tal sup­port staff on hand to help deliv­er the best pos­si­ble care to our patients.

All under one roof

All treat­ment can be car­ried out in one place, ensur­ing you don’t have to trav­el far for your den­tal treatment.

Per­son­alised support

When you com­mit to reg­u­lar den­tal check­ups, your den­tist can get to know you and offer per­son­alised support.