A per­ma­nent solu­tion for miss­ing teeth

You don’t have to live with gaps in your smile or miss­ing teeth. Den­tal implants offer a per­ma­nent solu­tion to miss­ing teeth that looks, feels and func­tions like your nat­ur­al teeth. Our team of high­ly expe­ri­enced implant den­tists can help you smile with con­fi­dence again and restore your abil­i­ty to chew your favourite foods

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man and woman with dental implants smiling

FREE consultation, FREE CT scan and discounts on single or multiple dental implants.

Per­ma­nent solu­tion to miss­ing or fail­ing teeth

No more den­tures or bridges that can cause dam­age to teeth

Free con­sul­ta­tion and CT Scan

Worth £150.

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Afford­able solution

Acces­si­ble treat­ment plans with 0% Finance available

Regain your con­fi­dence after loos­ing teeth

Dental implants are the best method to replace a missing tooth that restores function to your whole mouth. With other restoration methods, such as dentures or bridges, the force of your bite rests on the gum which can cause bone loss or the surrounding teeth which can get damaged. With dental implants, this force is distributed via the implant to your jaw bone, allowing it to function as it should and does not affect the surrounding teeth.

With dental implants, no food is off limits and you can care for your implant just as you would your natural teeth. No one will ever need to know you have dental implants as the results look very natural. And you’ll no longer have to worry about messy denture glue or slipping dentures.

The ben­e­fits

Dental implants offer a permanent solution for missing teeth. A dental implant restores full functionality to the tooth, meaning that the restoration will look, feel and function like a natural tooth. The implant mimics the role of the tooth root, providing a solid foundation for the chosen restoration on top. This can help to minimize the risk of your jaw bone shrinking over time. When the jaw bone shrinks, this changes the facial structure, so dental implants can even help to preserve your youthful face shape.

Diagram of single tooth implant

The pro­ce­dure

The procedure is different for every patient, depending on factors such as the number of implants, the location, and if you require additional procedures such as a bone graft or sinus lift. Every procedure starts with a CT scan to ensure we have a complete picture of your teeth, and vital surrounding structures like nerves and sinuses so we can plan things meticulously.

Our relat­ed treatments

Access afford­able and qual­i­ty den­tal care. Here are some of our most pop­u­lar and top-rat­ed den­tal treat­ments to trans­form your smile and upgrade your con­fi­dence. Don’t see what you’re look­ing for here? Get in touch to book a con­sul­ta­tion with our den­tal implant and cos­met­ic team to learn how we can help.

man and woman with dental implants smiling

We’re here to help

We are aware of the high costs of domes­tic den­tal treat­ment and are proud to offer low cost den­tal treat­ments with excel­lent results. 

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Free CT Scan
Save up to £500 on the UK average cost