Friend­ly and sup­port­ive care
from our den­tal hygienists

Reg­u­lar vis­its to the den­tal hygien­ist can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Our friend­ly and sup­port­ive team will work with you to improve your oral health, start­ing with a deep clean­ing and then explor­ing how you care for your teeth at home. 

Hygien­ist clean­ings start from just £65

Ready to smile with confidence?

Pro­tect your teeth and gums

Deep clean­ing helps to pre­vent com­mon issues.

Remove sur­face stains

A scale and pol­ish can make teeth brighter.

Friend­ly team

Ask ques­tions about your oral health.

Ide­al for ner­vous patients

Help get over your fear of the dentist.

Expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of excep­tion­al den­tal hygiene with our 5 star prac­tice. Our skilled team can help sup­port you on your jour­ney to bet­ter oral health. Whether you are prepar­ing for treat­ment, or just want to keep your oral health in check, we can help.

A trip to the oral hygienist is about more than just getting an exceptionally deep clean. You'll also benefit from expert advice that is tailored to you. Every mouth is different, and your oral hygiene needs could be very different. We can show you how to care for your teeth and gums in the right way, and update this advice as you get older.

Our dental hygienists are also incredibly knowledgeable about cosmetic and restorative procedures. If you're curious about other treatment options with us, a dental hygiene appointment is the ideal opportunity to ask questions and learn more. They can also help you care for your teeth after procedures. This is particularly important for procedures like bridges or dental implants, where the aftercare will be unique to your situation.

Con­tact the practice

The Implant And Cosmetic Smiles Clinic receptionist

What is includ­ed in a hygien­ist visit?

Every den­tal hygien­ist vis­it is unique to each patient. We start with your needs and con­cerns so we can tai­lor your vis­it to your require­ments. In gen­er­al, a vis­it to the den­tal hygien­ist will include a scale and pol­ish, but we can also sup­port you in the fol­low­ing ways.

Thor­ough examination

We’ll start with a his­to­ry and exam so we can learn more about your cur­rent oral health.

Scale and polish

A pro­fes­sion­al den­tist clean­ing removes all traces of plaque, tar­tar and bac­te­ria build-up.

Oral can­cer screening

We’ll look for the com­mon signs of oral can­cer at every check­up, so we can help to catch it early.