Spe­cial­ist care for
gum dis­ease

Gum dis­ease is one of the most com­mon oral health con­di­tions. It occurs when bac­te­ria attacks the gum dis­ease and caus­es it to become red, inflamed and prone to bleed­ing. We can help you to get your gum dis­ease under con­trol quickly.

Treat­ment starts from just £65

Ready to smile with confidence?

Wide range of treatments

Access the care that will offer the great­est benefit.

Pre­ven­ta­tive care

We can help you to stop gum dis­ease developing.

Spe­cial­ist team

Our high­ly trained peri­odon­tists are here to help.

Pre­vent tooth loss

Ear­ly inter­ven­tion can help pre­vent tooth loss.

Gum dis­ease can lead to wide­spread health prob­lems if left untreat­ed. The good news is that it is very easy to treat and many patients respond well to treat­ment. There are also steps you can take at home to keep your mouth and gums healthy.

If you're concerned about gum disease, regular trips to the dental hygienist will help you to stay on top of your oral health. Not only will you enjoy a deep and thorough professional cleaning, but you will also get personalised advice for caring for your teeth and gums at home. Every mouth is different, so how you care for your teeth might be very different to how someone else cares for their teeth.

Your dental hygienist can help you to learn the difference between different types of floss or teach you how to use interdental brushes. They can also advise on which oral care products will help to improve your oral health and which might prove to be a waste of money. And finally, they can give you personalised advice on other treatments that might be of interest to you, including cosmetic and restorative care.

Con­tact the clinic

How we treat gum disease

Gum dis­ease treat­ment will vary depend­ing on the sever­i­ty of your symp­toms and how advanced your case is. With ear­ly inter­ven­tion, we might be able to pre­vent it with improved oral hygiene and reg­u­lar hygien­ist cleanings.

Improve oral hygiene

Adjust­ing your brush­ing and floss­ing rou­tine may be all that is need­ed to stop gum disease.

Reg­u­lar hygien­ist cleanings

A scale and pol­ish at the den­tist will remove bac­te­ria, plaque and tar­tar build-up.

Spe­cial­ist mouthwash

Mouth­wash con­tain­ing chlorhex­i­dine or hex­e­ti­dine may help pre­vent the build-up of plaque.