Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is some­times required to remove impact­ed wis­dom teeth or bro­ken roots that your own den­tist does not feel com­fort­able car­ry­ing out. We pro­vide all ser­vices under one roof so no need for long hos­pi­tal wait­ing lists. Why not call or email to see how we can help

High­ly skilled den­tal team.

Oral surgery

Failed extrac­tions

We han­dle all cas­es under one roof If your den­tist is unable to com­plete the tooth removal

Skilled staff

Our team includes high­ly expe­ri­enced den­tal sur­geons with over 50,000 extrac­tions treat­ed under referral

Seda­tion available

Why not take advan­tage of seda­tion( sleep den­tistry) if you are wor­ried about the procedure

After care and support

We’ll sup­port you through your recovery.

Our skilled and expe­ri­enced team is here to guide you through every step in your treat­ment . We know that oral surgery can be daunt­ing, and that’s why we take the time to make sure you feel informed about your treat­ment options, every step of the way.

By offering oral surgery at the Implant and Cosmetic Smiles clinic, you can avoid the need for a referral to another dental practice or a hospital setting. Having oral surgery in the same place you go for your initial consultation can help you to feel more relaxed throughout the treatment as you'll be in familiar surroundings. If you have been referred to us for your treatment, our friendly team will do everything to make you feel relaxed and welcome. 

Aftercare following oral surgery is often very important, as you will need to make sure your body has time to heal and recover. If you have been sedated for your treatment, someone will have to pick you up and take you home. They should stay with you until the sedation has worn off. Even if you haven't been sedated, it's a good idea to ask a friend or family member to take you home after your treatment. We will advise you on how to manage any pain following your oral surgery.

Con­tact the practice

The Implant And Cosmetic Smiles Clinic receptionist

Why choose The Implant And Cos­met­ic Smiles Clinic?

We offer oral surgery that would nor­mal­ly require an exter­nal refer­ral to hos­pi­tal. We believe there are huge ben­e­fits for the patient when all care is under­tak­en in one loca­tion. These are just some of the ben­e­fits of choos­ing us for your oral surgery.

Con­ti­nu­ity of care

We can han­dle your treat­ment plan from start to fin­ish, offer­ing bet­ter con­tin­ued care and aftercare.

Get to know our team

At your con­sul­ta­tion you can get to know our staff who will be there to sup­port you through­out and answer any questions

Seda­tion available

Oral surgery can be pain­less when car­ried out under sedation