Sin­gle tooth den­tal implants

Sin­gle den­tal implants offer a per­ma­nent solu­tion to miss­ing teeth. Unlike a den­tal bridge, the implant is sup­port­ed by your jaw bone rather than the sur­round­ing teeth, which offers a restora­tion that is as close to a nat­ur­al tooth as pos­si­ble and pre­vents any dam­age to your adja­cent teeth.

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man and woman with dental implants smiling

FREE consultation, FREE CT scan and discounts on single or multiple dental implants.

Per­ma­nent solution

Treat­ment lasts a life­time if cared for

Free con­sul­ta­tion and CT scan

Worth £150.

0% finance available

Sub­ject to status.

Avoids dam­age to adja­cent teeth

Helps main­tain your oth­er teeth

Replace miss­ing teeth with sin­gle den­tal implants

You don't have to live with a gap in your smile. Replacing a missing tooth can restore your confidence and ability to chew as well as help to protect the surrounding teeth and keep your mouth healthy. Dental implants offer a permanent solution that will look, feel and function like your natural teeth.

A single dental implant is perfect for replacing a tooth lost to injury, decay or gum disease. The implant is designed to last a lifetime with the right care.

CG render of single tooth dental implant showing below screw in gumline

The ben­e­fits

Most people turn to dental implants because they are looking for a permanent solution . They don't want a removable denture or a bridge supported by their surrounding teeth. A single dental implant supports a natural-looking crown restoration that will look, feel and function just like your natural teeth. This is a great way to safeguard your oral health after tooth loss.

Diagram of single tooth implant

The pro­ce­dure

The procedure will be unique depending on whether you are having it replaced immediately or a more staged approach. This depends on factors unique to you which will be discussed at your consultation. Generally speaking, during your first visit after consultation we will place the implant in your jaw and allow this to heal for a suitable period. You can wear a temporary bridge or denture in the meantime. Once the implant has integrated with your jaw bone we attach the crown on top and the process is complete.

man and woman with dental implants smiling

Save up to £750*

We’re help­ing to make den­tal implants more acces­si­ble by keep­ing our treat­ments as low-cost as pos­si­ble with­out com­pro­mis­ing on quality .

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Save up to £500 on the UK average cost