Replace mul­ti­ple teeth
with den­tal implants

Den­tal implants offer a per­ma­nent solu­tion for miss­ing teeth. This treat­ment can replace the need to have a bridge which can dam­age your teeth or a remov­able den­ture . Den­tal implants are a supe­ri­or restora­tion choice as they look, feel and func­tion just like your nat­ur­al teeth and avoid dam­ag­ing remain­ing teeth.

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man and woman with dental implants smiling

FREE consultation, FREE CT scan and discounts on single or multiple dental implants.

Per­ma­nent solution

Say good­bye to ill fit­ting dentures.

Free con­sul­ta­tion

Worth £150 includ­ing a free CT scan

0% finance available

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Afford­able solution

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Implant sup­port­ed bridges for com­plete com­fort and confidence

Missing teeth or gaps can be replaced by an Implant, a removable denture or a bridge using the teeth either side. Patients often do not like dentures as they have to be removed, can be ill fitting and loose causing embarrassment while trying to eat your favourite foods .With a bridge your dentist will often be reluctant to provide this if your adjacent teeth are healthy, as the bridge option involves cutting down these healthy teeth to support the missing tooth in the middle. This can sometimes lead to problems later on with the teeth that have been damaged.

Implants offer a permanent solution for missing teeth that will allow you to eat, speak and smile with confidence without causing any detrimental effect to your existing teeth. The titanium dental implants will  usually last a lifetime, while a conventional bridge restoration may need to be  replaced after 10 years. The lifetime value of dental implants is considerable when you think about the positive impact on your oral health.

The ben­e­fits

The most common reason individuals turn to dental implants is because they are tired of wearing a removable denture or they are worried about a bridge damaging their existing healthy teeth. With dental implants, your restoration will look, function and feel just like your natural teeth. This can offer widespread benefits to your oral health and your wider health.

The pro­ce­dure

The procedure varies according to your circumstances and will be discussed at your free consultation. During the procedure we guarantee you will feel no pain and have developed many techniques to help you manage your anxiety.

Save up to £750*

We rec­og­nize that den­tal implants are a con­sid­er­able invest­ment in your oral health. That is why we offer com­pet­i­tive pric­ing and inter­est free flex­i­ble pay­ment plans.

0% finance available

FREE Consultation
Save up to £500 on the UK average cost